About Us
Learn more about Melissa Ems Insurance Agency’s story, team, and current job opportunities.

The Birth of an Agency
In 2010, I opened the doors to my brand new office with one vision in mind: not to be the biggest insurance agency in St. Pete, but to be the best. I am a third-generation insurance professional and second-generation claims adjuster turned agent. I grew up in insurance.
My dad was a 35-year State Farm agent who started his career as an adjuster. My grandma was an aviation underwriter who also happens be a pilot. My sister, grandpa and mom all worked in various positions in insurance including workers compensation nurse, claims and agency. When I turned on that “open” sign for the first time, before I even had a single client, I knew from a lifetime of experience that I wanted my office to be the place people came because they trust us to handle all of the necessary insurance “stuff” that no one (but us) actually likes to deal with.
In this office, we don’t sell, we aren’t run by data, analytics, numbers and reports passed down from corporate offices. We have conversations to get to know people so we can help figure out exactly what the need is to protect everything held dear. Clients aren’t numbers or paychecks to us, they are neighbors, friends… family. No one is too big or too small to be a part of this family, we welcome everyone!
I still remember very vividly that first morning: I walked over to the front door to unlock it, but stopped. I turned around, grabbed my phone, picked it up and called my dad. I asked him, “Before I open my doors for the first time, what is the one piece of advice that you can give me to make this successful? Impart your wisdom!” Without hesitating, he said, “That’s easy. It’s about need, not greed. Help people honestly, fairly and with integrity. If you do that as I have taught you, the lights will always be on. It has served me well my entire career.” From the moment that first client stepped through my doors, that is exactly what we have done.
The Characters
The heart and soul of our agency is the people. We laugh, work hard, and strive to do what’s best for everyone who gives us the opportunity to earn their business.